Sarah Palin.  There — that’s the last time we’ll say that name.  We’re so over her.  And, wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if the rest of media did the same?  She finally showed her true colors this week, and everyone knows where it will all end for her.  There’s no one outside of her base that has the least bit of interest in her or what she thinks.  THE END.

Ezra Klein, columnist for the Washington Post, reminded us this week in a TV interview that during the health care debate there were members of both parties in Congress saying that there was 80% agreement on what to do about health care reform.  80%.  So the actual fact of the matter is that there was 20% of the legislation that the Republican Senators and House Republicans did not like.

The Republicans at that point in the health care reform effort had two choices:  they could have negotiated with the Democrats to address that 20% they didn’t agree with;  or they could have demonized the entire reform effort, claiming that it was a government take over of the health care industry, in order to win an election cycle;  and then they could follow that up with an attempt to REPEAL 100% of the new law — including the 80% that they actually agreed with!  We know what they chose to do, and it wasn’t to help the country move forward, even though they agreed with 80% of the plan.  Hmmmmm, and they accuse us of being unpatriotic.  I’m not saying they’re unpatriotic … I’m just saying.

According to Major Garrett, with the National Journal, the latest Pew polls show us that moderate Republicans and Independents are moving away from the health care issue.  What’s worse for Republicans in the House is that the insurance industry is getting a good look at how the reform legislation will actually work, and they like what they see and think it can work for them AND for Americans.  That can’t be good news for the Right.  If the insurance companies don’t want the law reapealed they will put pressure on the Republicans to back off.  Oh dear, oh dear.

We’re all being encouraged to play nice in politics, and we do agree that it would be a wonderful thing if the tone of the political debates could be moderated.  I for one am willing to give the Right a chance to get it together and stop playing just to win elections, and really do step up to the plate and help govern our country.  I think they could to it.  I don’t think they will, but I’ll wait and see.

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