You know the idea that private enterprise will do a MORE efficient job of running Social Security and Medicare?

Well, if you really-really like the idea of putting your Social Security money in the hands of the Big Banks (witness the older Americans who have lost their retirement money on Wall Street); and you really-really like the idea of having your Medicare just handed over to the Big Insurance Companies who you think are so totally trustworthy with their customers — then the GOP is YOUR party … and good luck to you if they win Washington, D.C.

By the way: The GOP tested out their free-enterprise “efficiency” theory under Bush by giving Medicare money, in the form of subsidies to Insurance Companies, (under the misleading name of “Medicare Advance”) and guess what?: Medicare Advance cost the taxpayers MORE money than regular Medicare!

Government has been demonized for decades by the GOP who has ALWAYS hated effective government, and fought with all their might to kill Social Security and Medicare. It’s past time to call them on their misleading policies. AND on their lies to deceive America about their policies.

Capitalism does many, many things very well. But not everything.

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