We’ve taken a good hard look at the Ipsos/McClatchy Poll on healthcare reform, covering a six month period of time.  Polling started during the last week in August, followed by two polls in October (the first week and the last week), then again the last week in January and the last week in February.

The favorability vs. unfavorability of the current healthcare reform legislation is about the same at the end of February as it was in August of ’09 — with a 41% favorable to 47% unfavorable.  The unfavorability peaked in January with 51% unfavorable and favorable at 37%.  But the numbers seem to be returning to a more even level.  In other words, the winds appear to be shifting once again, this time in our favor.

The more interesting data is found after digging a little deeper into the numbers.  People who said they were opposed to the current healthcare plan were then asked the following question: 

“You said you are opposed to the healthcare reform overall.  Is that because:”

  1. You favor healthcare reform overall, but think the current proposals don’t go far enough to reform healthcare — 37%
  2. You oppose healthcare reform overall and think the current proposals go too far in reforming healthcare — 54%
  3. Not sure — 10%

The interesting results here tell us that a whopping 37% of the peopled polled who said they are against this healthcare reform plan, oppose it because they feel it does not go far enough to reform the system.  This 37% (those who didn’t like the reform because it doesn’t go far enough) of the 47% (those generally against reform) adds over 17% to the number of people polled who want a strong healthcare reform bill passed.

The 41% of people who approve of this healthcare plan, plus 17% of people who actually want an even stronger reform plan brings the number to 58% of the American people who want our country to have universal healthcare and stronger regulations on the health insurance industry.

That doesn’t quite jibe with the current Republican talking point that the American people are against healthcare reform.  And, don’t forget this amazing number: 10% of those polled who are against healthcare reform, don’t know if they oppose it because it goes too far, or not far enough!

Okay, that last one is the Dem’s fault — our side has not explained what this plan for health reform is all about, and the Republicans are calling it socialism.  So that explains the 10% of the 47% that are just plain against this ‘rotten’ plan and they don’t have a clue as to why!

So, go-go-go White House.  And hello, Congress:  if you blow this one you surely do not deserve our support.  Get ‘er done, and we’ll have your backs.

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