After the GOP turned Clinton’s record surplus into record deficits, they have yet to present a serious solution to rein in our country’s deficits. They are only offering the same old trickle-down voo-doo policies that created our mess in the first place. NO NEW IDEAS.
The tax “plan” that Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell is proposing calls for making permanent the Bush tax-cuts for the super-wealthy, which would almost double the deficit and boost it $4 trillion in the next 10 years. Republicans are playing games by suggesting that this gift to the wealthy would be off-set by a spending freeze that would only save $3 billion in 10 years. And yet — they don’t even let us in on what they’d freeze or cut!
Yep, it’s the same-old-same-old economic ideology that has severely damaged our economy and devastated the middle-class. It’s tax-cuts for millionaires and billionaires that will solve all our problems, according to the GOTP — GRAND OLD TEA PARTY.
While the GOTP is screaming about the deficit, they want to ADD almost $4 trillion to it by borrowing that amount from China to give tax breaks to the upper-class — the least effective stimulus option according to economists and the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.
According to the CBO the GOTP plan would force the country to borrow an additional $3.9 trillion over the next 10 years. The impact of extending these tax-cuts to the top income recipients is four times bigger than the combination of the health care reform and the stimulus package — which were both demagogued by the GOTP as “not affordable.”
The GOTP isn’t serious about deficit reduction — they’re playing election-year politics and standing by the lobbyists and their special interests.
They still have no new ideas or plans to help dig us out of this ditch — we need all hands on deck to grow our economy, create jobs, and strengthen our middle-class. Cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires, removing regulations on corporations, and telling the middle-class that “you’re on your own” are no solutions to our economic crisis.
We really do NOT want to give the car keys to the nation back to these people who drove us into the ditch in the first place!
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