Here’s the evidence. Since the 1960s corporate profits are at an all time high; wages are at an all time low; corporate taxes are at an all time low; and personal taxes are close to an all time low.
RECAP: Corporations are swimming in money, while wages are at rock bottom. And taxes are so low that our country struggles to pay our bills.
GOP SOLUTION: Why, of course their economic fix is to further lower taxs for corporations and the already wealthy — all the while straining our nation’s budget.
CLN CRITIQUE: With the business world sitting on piles of money and historically low taxes at this time, and our jobless rate at 9%, our assessment is that the GOP plan to revitalize the economy by giving corporations even more tax cuts is ludicrous.
With taxes currently at a 50 year low, and if low taxes created jobs — GOP: WHERE ARE THE JOBS?
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