The US economy is holding up much better than the economies of many other countries in this worldwide recession triggered by Wall Street banks. Clearly, big business has not jumped in to get the economy and employment kick-started, but our nation has been bumping along above the double-dip territory … not so with countries that adopted “slash-and-burn” cuts to government spending, otherwise known as austerity.

A global economy does not give any country the opportunity to actually break out on its own. We’re all interdependent now — all in it together. And, that’s why we need to stop the bickering and get our act together. We ARE the United States of America, and the world needs us to lead, not fall apart in partisan destructiveness.

The GOP games of “Let’s destroy Obama” is leading not just our nation off a cliff, but also the rest of the world. Even Romney this week decried the government slashing actions of the House led austerity plan for America that is in place for the end of 2012.

What we don’t know is whether or not Romney would, as president, stick with his initial honest assessment … or be led by the House and its deficit hawks who are demanding that government spending be slashed even deeper, and further deep tax-cuts for the wealthy implemented. A prescription that would destroy any hopes for a recovery in the near future.

Based on his actions a good bet would be that a President Romney would follow the Tea Party leaders in order to keep the right-wing of his party happy and ready to vote for him again in 2016. I don’t somehow see him willing to take on the base of his party. He has shown zero inclination to challenge anyone with wild Tea Party assertions — from supporters who claim Obama should be impeached, to Donald Trump and his hair-brained “birtherism!”

Somehow, I have to believe that with a second term President Obama will have more of an ability to move our country forward and get things done for us — and for the world.

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