What is an abortion?  We can start with the definition of a natural “spontaneous abortion” or miscarriage.

According to MedicineNet.com:  “Miscarriage: Inadvertent loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable. A considerable proportion of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Also known as spontaneous abortion.”

A spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is a common occurrence in pregnancy. For unknown reasons, the fetus fails to develop after a fertilized egg implants in the womb. This medical term, “spontaneous abortion,” defines the death of a fertilized egg that is IMPLANTED in the uterus and is a developing fetus.

A fertilized egg cannot develop unless it is implanted, it just passes out of the body once a month and is a part of a woman’s menses.  Many, many times fertilized eggs pass out of a woman’s body without implantation.  The passing of the fertilized eggs has never been met with mourning or funerals because these eggs are not spontaneous abortions, not fetuses — much less human beings.

Sooo, how does the rightwing brainwash the American people into believing that a pregnancy refers to a fertilized egg that is NOT implanted in the womb???  Preventing implantation, ovulation, and fertilization are all classified as contraception.  Oh and by the way, let us all remember that actual abortion, removal of an implanted fertilized egg, is perfectly legal in the United States of America as it is throughout most of the world.  Only in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Chili is abortion completely prohibited by law.

If we were to accept the right’s “belief” that a fertilized egg is a human being, then the next step would be to push for acceptance that an unfertilized egg is a human being.  Seriously, it is time to get these people out of our personal lives!  They are free to believe whatever they want to believe — but they are not free to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.  Hobby Lobby’s denial of their employees to have health insurance that covers the cost of perfectly legal contraception is, without a doubt, an imposition of their religion on others.  When did that become Constitutional?  Oh yeah — under the Robert’s Court!


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