Hey, anybody see The Rachael Maddow show on MSNBC Friday night?  Hooray for Rachael because she’s the first cable or network host to explain to the American people the somewhat difficult to understand fact that drilling for oil off our own shores will NOT lead our nation to energy independence.

We at CLN addressed that sticky (no pun intended) oil issue in a previous posting on May 26 titled OFF-SHORE DRILLING HOAX.  Americans have been bamboozled into thinking that allowing big oil companies to do risky deep water drilling for oil will help our country to be independent of foreign oil.  IT’S A LIE!

As we said in May, and Rachael so eloquently put it on Friday, “The oil drilled for in our country does not belong to the American people.”  IT BELONGS TO THE OIL COMPANIES WHO THEN SELL IT ON THE WORLDWIDE MARKET. 

That oil taken from our national territory goes to the highest bidder, not to benefit our country.  America takes the risk to our environment;  big oil takes the profits.

Yea Rachael!

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