We just saw in the New York Times that Exxon Mobil Corporation — the biggest worldwide public oil company — has just announced that their second quarter revenues jumped 24% to $92.5 billion. 

Oh, and just thought you’d might like to know:  The Republicans recently voted against (and defeated) an amendment to take away Big Oil’s federal subsidies of $35 billion.

Sooooo, Republicans support the richest most profitable corporations in the world with unnecessary corporate welfare of $35 billion, but they rant and tear their hair out over $34 billion for unemployment insurance.  And by the way, unemployment insurance is a program that is financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes, while corporate subsidies are GIVE AWAYS that add to the national debt and deficits.

Go ahead, middle class America — “Vote Republican in November to send a message to Democrats.”  You’ll just keep getting screwed.

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