SCENARIO #1 Donald Trump and his administration are under siege from the "Deep State" in our government, (which includes Trump's own Justice Department, the Judiciary and FBI), to undermine and destroy his presidency.  The FBI is concocting false allegations that the Trump campaign worked with Russians to bolster his chances of winning the election, and spinning Trump's public defense of ...


Having a major déjà vu moment.  The feeling in the national zeitgeist right now seems very similar, and eerily familiar, to the 1990s when Timothy McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City in his anti-government, anti-liberal act of terror.  Pulling on that string of instinct I ask myself, "WHY does it feel so much like that time twenty-two years ago?" I recall the horror that our nation felt when the innoc ...


FOLLOWING IS AN ACTUAL SENTENCE FROM THE MOUTH OF PREZ-ELECT TRUMP. And, we wonder why the world is laughing at us! "Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, lik ...

American Tribalism

The Democratic Party has to do some major rethinking --- and it has nothing to do with going to the Left or moderating on issues.  It is waking up to the reality that we have no partner in governing, no partner willing to compromise, no partner to partner with in the interest of our nation. We've had a Democrat in the White House for eight years who worked hard to be bi-partisan and to reach ac ...


If our countrymen didn’t hear us over the two years of electioneering, then they aren’t going to hear us now. They chose not to listen because they didn’t care, and they are going to choose to not hear us now that their guy won the White House. It’s time for some rethinking on our part. During the campaign we kept thinking that the country could be persuaded by logic and facts, and our logic an ...


The last CLN post was on Election Eve, and consisted of musings about the first woman president of the United States of America! NEVER MIND.   TO LOG IN AND LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE CLICK ON “COMMENT” BELOW. YOU WILL THEN SEE “LEAVE A REPLY.” CLICK ON “LOGGED IN” TO LOG IN AND POST YOUR COMMENT.


Tomorrow is November 8, 2016 -- a momentous presidential election day in America.  Our country and the world agrees that this has been an unbelievably painful and negative campaign season, and we are all relieved that it's almost over.  The twists and turns, the plethora of bald-faced lies, the interference in the election by the F.B.I., and the disgusting sleaze that has permeated this campaign h ...


I met Hillary Clinton once.  She was meeting and shaking hands with donors in Colorado, and I was one of hundreds standing in line to chat with her for a minute or two.  It was at the height of the many attacks on her personally, and I remember that I said to her, "I hope you can feel all the support that's out here for you."  She said, nodding affirmatively, "I do, I do." Still got your  back, ...


EXPLANATIONS TO THE VOTERS OF "LEAVE THE E.U" REPERCUSSIONS BRITISH VOTER EXPLAINING HER "LEAVE THE E.U." VOTE The Brexit vote is the result of angry white frustration, not reason.  Immigration was a very large contributing factor in the vote to Leave the E.U., and interestingly the older generation voted to Leave and the under 40s voted to Remain in the E.U. One of the main contr ...


TRUMP NEWS OF THE WEEK BOILED DOWN: Donald Trump's poll numbers plummeted, following his bizarre response to the Orlando mass murders --- his numbers fell 9 points. GOP is more than mildly panicked, and the highest ranking Republican, Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has said that "Republicans in the House are free to follow their "conscience" on Trump" and that the last thing he would do ...