UPDATE:  The Pittsburg Post-Gazette reported on July 15:  “An electrician at the Upper Big Branch mine, scene of a disastrous explosion that killed 29 miners, confirmed that he was ordered to bypass the methane detector on a piece of mining equipment — an action that has become part of an ongoing federal criminal probe growing out of the disaster.”

Today’s NY Times (July 19) picks up on the Post-Gazette story in an editorial titled: That Noisy Coal Mine Alarm.  “… a grand jury is reportedly looking into a possible pattern of detector-tampering, an outlawed practice that the company, Massey Energy, firmly denies.”

Corporations exist to make profits.  Profits can be made by cutting costs.  Keeping employees safe costs money.  Twenty-nine miners died at Upper Big Branch mine.  Unions keep mines safer.

Our next post on CLN will be about the disappearing American middle-class.  An obvious contributor to the growing disparity between the haves and the have-nots is the shrinking of American unions.  Without unions American corporations are free to hire with cut-throat impunity:  “If you want a job here, you’ll take the salary, benefits and safety conditions we give you.”  The lowered work environment becomes the new norm for the nation. 

And somehow, this new norm is supported by the American people!  The American people cheer the huge profits made by corporations that screw the people.  And what are the huge profits used for?  Oh, yeah — executive bonuses, massive salaries, and enormous benefits for the upper 1%. 


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