So right-wing blogger Andrew Breitbart posts a small clip of a speech, given by a current administration employee relating a story about an experience she had more than 20 years ago.  The edited video clip purported to expose a black woman making racist comments — and Breitbart acknowledges that his motivation in posting the video clip was retaliation against the NAACP for comments they made, which he interpreted as an accusation that the Tea Party is racist. 

Of course, any of us who actually bothered to listen to the statement made by the NAACP know that the organization asked the Tea Party, and their supporters in the Republican Party, to speak out and condemn those racist elements in the movement.  They expressly stated that they did not feel that the Tea Party itself was racist.

Now we know that the full video of Shirley Sherrod demonstrates that she is not only not a racist, but that her out-of-context comments posted by Breitbart (and replayed over and over and over on Fox) were a part of a story she was telling to promote racial healing. 

We now also know that Andrew Breitbart proved that at least one of the Tea Partiers is racist — Andrew Breitbart.

The right-wingers want us to focus on the fact that the administration “threw her under the bus,” which they did do.  But, we have to ask ourselves why they felt they had to cut her loose.   All the vitriolic accusations were flying from the very right-wing media that now accuses the administration of “rushing to judgement!” 

Egads — these people have no scruples.

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