In a bizarre twist, the GOP is hanging the debt and deficit around Obama’s neck. “The President should have endorsed the Simpson Bowles Commission,” the GOP screams — without bothering to mention that the Republican Party does not endorse it because it calls for increasing taxes to help address the deficit.

They bemoan the lack of presidential leadership on the deficit without mentioning that President Obama tried mightily to reach a deal with Speaker Boehner, but couldn’t because Republicans walked away from it because it would raise taxes on millionaires.

“The President didn’t lead on this issue,” but they don’t mention that he endorsed the deficit plan that was developed in the Senate — which was very close to the Simpson Bowles plan.

While trying to saddle Obama with the deficit/debt they continue to offer solutions that would ADD to the deficit and debt … i.e. more and deeper tax cuts for the already-wealthy and spend, spend on Defense!

If you repeat a lie often enough …

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