Democrats and the GOP truly have two different visions for our country — one based in theory and ideology, the other in pragmatism and evidence.

Republicans have imbedded their theories deep in their souls, as almost a religion. This explains why they get so angry if they are questioned or challenged about their political positions, and why they refuse to compromise. If you have a religious belief that your political positions are THE TRUTH rather than an idea that would be pragmatic, then you cannot compromise. To do so would be selling out THE TRUTH.

In fact, just listening to the GOP candidates you can see that they have conflated their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution along with their political ideology, with their religious beliefs. A very dangerous blending of church and state that our founders warned us against.

Democrats want to move in a proven, fact-based direction — take the practical, pragmatic course of action. The Republicans want to be victorious in their crusade for THE TRUTH.


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