Here's an article that helps explain the differences between the Senate Healthcare Reform abortion language, and the language in the House’s legislation.  Basically both versions of the healthcare bill prohibit federal funds from being used to pay for abortion, except in the cases of incest, rape or to save the life of the mother.  And, neither of these bills restricts abortion.  Both pieces of l ...


This whole right-wing, “small-government” meme has been going on for a very long time --- and the argument from the right never changes:  Government is bad, and we have to protect ourselves from government.  Everything else flows from this paranoid delusion. Historically, Conservatives have railed against all kinds of government legislation.  They've objected to laws requiring bikers to wear helm ...


Boy, have we been fooled.  This one has been irritating me for a long time:  Trickle-down Economics, the conservative Republicans instructed us, would result in a booming economy.  “If you give big tax cuts to the wealthy we will use that money to create jobs.”  A Grand Bargain.  There is, however, a glitch to this compact between the wealthy and our workers.  While jobs were created, those jobs ...