*****  Love this article.   It's an amazing analysis by Les Leopold titled, Why Are We Afraid of Taxing the Super-Rich?   What a great take on the status of the American tax system and how it works in the “real world” economy (a favorite topic for us).  For the entire article, CHECK-IT-OUT.   *****  Here’s an update on the Senate Healthcare legislation as it applies to abortion insurance titl ...


We’ve taken a good hard look at the Ipsos/McClatchy Poll on healthcare reform, covering a six month period of time.  Polling started during the last week in August, followed by two polls in October (the first week and the last week), then again the last week in January and the last week in February. The favorability vs. unfavorability of the current healthcare reform legislation is about the same ...


Here's an article that helps explain the differences between the Senate Healthcare Reform abortion language, and the language in the House’s legislation.  Basically both versions of the healthcare bill prohibit federal funds from being used to pay for abortion, except in the cases of incest, rape or to save the life of the mother.  And, neither of these bills restricts abortion.  Both pieces of l ...


This whole right-wing, “small-government” meme has been going on for a very long time --- and the argument from the right never changes:  Government is bad, and we have to protect ourselves from government.  Everything else flows from this paranoid delusion. Historically, Conservatives have railed against all kinds of government legislation.  They've objected to laws requiring bikers to wear helm ...


Boy, have we been fooled.  This one has been irritating me for a long time:  Trickle-down Economics, the conservative Republicans instructed us, would result in a booming economy.  “If you give big tax cuts to the wealthy we will use that money to create jobs.”  A Grand Bargain.  There is, however, a glitch to this compact between the wealthy and our workers.  While jobs were created, those jobs ...


The American people do not like the Supreme Court’s recent Citizens United ruling that opens the floodgates to corporate spending on political campaigns.  In recent polling large majorities of Americans from across the political spectrum want Congress to pass new laws limiting corporate spending on our elections.  Senator Sherrod Brown, of Ohio, has put forward a bill that if passed would force c ...


Watched all 7 hours of Blair House Health Care Reform Summit.  While the media appears to fall into the "Republicans succeeded today" camp, I have to say that in the end as we look back at today over the next few months, we will see that Obama actually prevailed. He was reasonable, gracious, intelligent, and commanding.  Health Care Reform will pass the Congress in the next few months, and Dems w ...


GOOD LUCK TODAY, MR. PRESIDENT! A Times Editorial Today’s the day.  President Obama has extended an invitation to Congressional leaders, both Republicans and Democrats, to meet with him in a six-hour televised Health Care Reform summit at Blair House across the street from the White House.  This is an opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to shine a light on their respective ideas for how to ...


Science takes us closer and closer to understanding our world, and ourselves.  We were inspired by Nicholas Kristof’s recent article  in the New York Times about the differences between how Conservative and Liberal brains work.  We did a bit of Internet searching and found some fascinating articles about the new science of physiology and political beliefs.  Now we're wondering if we can ever be re ...