***MISSOURI VOTED IN FAVOR OF PROP C this week, which would block the federal government from requiring Missourians to purchase health insurance — that is IF Prop C could pass Constitutional muster, because federal law takes precedence over state law.  The vote may have been skewed because Missouri had more competitive Republican primaries than Democratic ones, driving more Republicans to the polls.

***NEBRASKA CONSERV-A-DEM BEN NELSON votes with the Republican obstructionists more often than not, and seems to have no stabs of conscience about his policy hypocrisy.  He voted with the ‘party of no’ on refusing to extend $33 billion to the nation’s unemployed — because he didn’t want to add to the deficit, he claimed — then turned around and voted for the extension of the Bush tax cuts, that for one year alone would add $115 billion to the deficit!  Thursday Nelson voted with the Repubs again on 2 amendments offered by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, that would permanently extend the Bush tax cuts.  DeMint’s amendments would have added massively to the deficit, $3.1 trillion over the next 10 years, and would have made us one of the most lightly taxed industrialized countries on earth. 

***EPA TO REGULATE GREENHOUSE GASES in the absence of Senate action on legislation, and in light of the Supreme Court’s mandate which ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases could be regulated like other air pollutants.  The EPA will be regulating greenhouse gases factory by factory, in a cumbersome and unwieldy fashion instead of having a federal law to get the job done.

***TREASURY SECRETARY TIM GEITHNER SPOKE TO THE CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS and criticized the Right’s talking points claim that letting the Bush tax cuts lapse for the top 2% wealthiest Americans will hurt small businesses.  He said the Republican claim “is a political argument masquerading as substance.”  Secretary Geithner noted that fewer than 3% of small businesses would be affected.

***RIGHT-WING SENATOR TOM COBURN OF OKLAHOMA AND FORMER MODERATE JOHN MCCAIN COMPLAIN ABOUT FEDERAL DEBT DUE TO THE STIMULUS while blithely ignoring the debt caused by Bush’s tax cuts.  Stimulus debt is 488 times smaller than the impact of the Bush tax cuts.  The Senators highlight 100 supposedly questionable stimulus projects in a “report” their staffs had prepared.  White House Secretary Robert Gibbs replied yesterday, “the report is not credible.”  The alleged “wasteful” stimulus that the two Senators are soooo concerned about amounts to a mere $1.7 billion, compared to a $830 billion hit to the national debt in order to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich.  Check out Think Progess’ chart below.



WOWEE!!!  We are all shocked and thrilled today to learn that Harry Reid actually got the “aid to the states bill” passed — we all thought it had been killed by Senate obstructionism.  But, no, our majority leader in the Senate secured the votes of the two Maine senators, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe today, and surprised everyone by overcoming the threatened filibuster. 

Forty-eight governors have written to the administration pleading for an extension of the support to the states that was given last year — that’s Democratic Governors and Republican Governors!  This $26 billion  will prevent additional job losses for firefighters, police officers, and teachers.  Not only will our citizens be safer from crime and fire, but our children will not have to endure over crowded classrooms and stressed out diminished teaching-staffs. 

This bill is even paid for, by closing a tax loophole for foreign companies with American subsidiaries, and with cuts in spending … a cut in food stamps for one.  So, helping out our states will not even add to the deficit or debt. 

And, yet, 38 Republicans in the Senate voted to block the action. 

If they had prevailed, the job cuts that would have occurred in the states would have had a devastating ripple effect through the country’s economy.  More jobless Americans = more federal spending for unemployment compensation.  More jobless = less money in the pockets of Americans to spend in stores, which in turn means more people laid off in the stores.  And a vicious cycle and spiral into a depression/recession is triggered.

Again — this aid to the states IS COMPLETELY PAID FOR and will not add to the national debt.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates show that the bill would more than pay for itself — even reducing deficits by $1.37 billion over the next decade.  Added revenues of $9.7 billion are estimated — chiefly from foreign tax credit reforms — but two-thirds of the offsets come from spending cuts.

This surprise, win-win bill in the Senate has put the House of Representatives on notice to schedule an emergency recall to Washington, to vote on the revised bill.  Nancy Pelosi has said she is happy to call the House back from August recess to take this vote for the American people.  It will probably occur next week.  — YES, WE CAN!

*** UPDATE:  Republican Leader in the House of Representatives, John Boehner, has said that the aid to the states legislation — that has cleared the 60 vote filibuster bar in the Senate — is an example of Democrats supporting “special interests.”  

Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) has just released this statement:  “Incredibly, the Republican Leader John Boehner disparagingly referred to those who teach our children, protect our homes, and keep our streets safe as ‘special interests.’  Washington Republicans are opposed to supporting our teachers, firefighters, and policemen at home in order to protect corporate tax loopholes that promote the export of American jobs.”


It’s said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  We’ve been blogging a lot lately about the federal deficit, economic inequality, and supply side economics, and when we found this pie chart we thought it was worth sharing with readers.  It shows that the deficit increases when people are unemployed and have their hours cut back, and that the deficits will decrease when the economy improves and puts people back to work.  The economic recession is a crisis, caused by Wall Street greed and Republican de-regulation, and is mainly responsible for the current rising federal deficits.



Even Republicans are admitting that the Bush tax cuts will not stimulate the economy.  They claim, somewhat vaguely, that letting the tax cuts on the upper 2% lapse (on their own timetable) will harm the economy.

Now if that sounds like a familiar refrain, that’s because it IS!  Yep, that’s exactly what the Republicans said about raising taxes on the wealthy under President Clinton.  I remember it well:  “Raising taxes on the wealthy will destroy our economy.”

Eh, um … we didn’t listen to them then, why would we listen now — when we have the proof that they are WRONG … once again.

Thanks to Moody’s Analytics, not known as a Leftie organization, we know the following FACTS:


  • For every dollar of government money spent on extending the Bush tax cuts — only a 32-cent return on investment in terms of economic stimulus  
  • Cutting the corporate tax rate — also a 32-cent return in economic stimulus
  • Capital gains tax cuts — 37-cents


  • For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, a $1.61 return in economic stimulus
  • Infrastructure spending — $1.57 return
  • Aid to the states — $1.41
  • Temporary increase in food stamps — $1.74
  • The Obama tax credits for the middle class — $288 billion of the Recovery Act, up to $1.30

Once again, the FACTS do not support supply side economic theory.  If given a chance to regain power in Washington the Republicans, and their Conserv-a-Dem allies, will balloon the deficit (as they did under Reagan and both Bushes) and undermine our fragile economic recovery — all so that they can give more “tax relief” goodies to their über rich buddies.

We are bewildered that so many of the middle class voters continue to ignore the FACTS in the face of the failure of Republican economic theory, and still have any faith in the Right’s ability to be economically and fiscally responsible.

The middle class has been desimated by this voo-doo policy … and yet so many still “believe.”


We just saw in the New York Times that Exxon Mobil Corporation — the biggest worldwide public oil company — has just announced that their second quarter revenues jumped 24% to $92.5 billion. 

Oh, and just thought you’d might like to know:  The Republicans recently voted against (and defeated) an amendment to take away Big Oil’s federal subsidies of $35 billion.

Sooooo, Republicans support the richest most profitable corporations in the world with unnecessary corporate welfare of $35 billion, but they rant and tear their hair out over $34 billion for unemployment insurance.  And by the way, unemployment insurance is a program that is financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes, while corporate subsidies are GIVE AWAYS that add to the national debt and deficits.

Go ahead, middle class America — “Vote Republican in November to send a message to Democrats.”  You’ll just keep getting screwed.


Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics (and former John McCain advisor), and Alan Blinder, a former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve and a Wall Street Journal columnist, inform us that the TARP bailout of Wall Street and the economic stimulus package WORKED.

Without both of these hotly debated actions our national GDP would be 6.5% lower this year, the dollar would be experiencing deflation, and we’d have 8.5 million more unemployed.  “While the effectiveness of any individual element certainly can be debated, there is little doubt that in total, the policy response was highly effective,” according to Zandi and Blinder.

Forty economists have signed an economic manifesto, calling for more stimulus spending in the near term.  Click here to check-it-out.


***  Inexplicably, the GOP is Supporting Tax Loophole for Foreign Companies.  House Repubs are encouraging members to vote against a bill that would fund medical services for 9/11 emergency responders by closing a tax loophole for foreign companies with American subsidiaries.  See New York Congressman Anthony Weiner’s emotional meltdown over Repub obstructionism on the floor of the House here.

***  Repubs in the Senate Vote to Kill Bill to Support Small Businesses.  In an effort to boost job creation the Democrats have been trying to pass a bill with a package to aid small businesses — tax breaks, expanded credit through lending via community banks, and new incentives to hire.  The bill had 59 supporters, but with 41 opponents the Repubs had enough to threaten a filibuster.  Sure seems like the “new” Repub Party fights hard to defeat policy that they were championing just a few years ago.  Either they’ve lost their minds or they are willing to cut off the nation’s nose, to spite the Dems. 

***  President Obama On The View.  President Obama charmed the ladies of The View, and impressed many with his knowledge on a wide range of issues and with his attitude of “taking the long view” of what’s good for the country rather than focusing on short-term political games.  Repub strategists have pontificated that going on The View was “beneath the presidency” and a mistake for President Obama.  We’re betting that they’re wrong, and that Obama will get a bounce in support from women.

*** Shirley Sherrod to Sue Andrew Breitbart.  USDA employee Shirley Sherrod, who was portrayed in the media as a “racist” based on an edited video clip, posted on right-wingnut Andrew Breitbart’s blog, has decided to sue the blogger for damages to her reputation — which led to her losing her job.

*** President Heads to Detroit Today.  President Obama visits General Motors and Chrysler plants today to tout the turnaround of the American automobile companies.  One million jobs were saved by administration efforts, and for the first time in a decade this industry is adding jobs, according to White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.

*** Newt Gingrich Declares Need for Legislation to Ban Courts from Replacing US Law with Islamic Sharia Law.  Sad to say:  this former college history professor evidently believes that making such a bizarro statement will be politically advantageous.  We’re at a loss for words. 

***  Coal Companies Join Forces to “Buy” Elections.  A Senior V.P. at International Coal Group of Scott Depot, W.Va., recently wrote a letter to other coal companies suggesting they join forces.  In light of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling — that corporations and labor unions can spend unlimited funds to influence elections — which loosened campaign finance laws, this letter said that they now have an unprecedented opportunity to use their pooled funds to defeat Democratic candidates they don’t think will vote “pro Big Coal.” 

And, thanks again to John Robert’s Supreme Court … these candidates won’t have to disclose WHO paid for their political ads and activities.  The ruling last winter, that corporations and labor unions can spend unlimited funds to influence elections, without having to disclose that they have done so, has the potential to destroy whatever is left of fair elections.  Public campaign financing, anyone?


Wouldn’t want anybody to think that the Tea Party had any RACISTS in their midst!  Gawd, no — the man pictured below, Dale Robertson, is identified as the founder of the Tea Party — but I’m sure there’s an explanation for his sign that displays a pretty clear message.  Right?  Andrew Breitbart … what do you say to this photo?  You’ve told America that there are no racists in the Tea Party, rather that the racists are in the NAACP.  And — we should believe you.  Right?




A potential national debate on higher taxes vs. lower taxes may be brewing.  Many concerned about the growing deficit and debt are warning that extending the Bush tax cuts will add more than $2 trillion to the federal budget deficits — which may give impetus to a review of the effectiveness of voo-doo economics, outside of wonky rightwing think tanks. 

Is it possible that our economy is in terrible trouble because taxes are too low? Tax rates in our country are at a 60 year low, and many people think that the drastic tax cuts have done terrible damage to our economy. 

Elliot Spitzer, former New York Governor, wrote an article in February for Slate magazine taking a look back at our economy over the last 80 years.  He states, “During the period 1951-63, when marginal rates were at their peak — 91 percent or 92 percent — the American economy boomed, growing at an average annual rate of 3.71 percent.  The fact that the marginal rates were what would today be viewed as essentially confiscatory did not cause economic cataclysm — just the opposite. And during the past seven years, during which we reduced the top marginal rate to 35 percent, average growth was a more meager 1.71 percent.”

And recently, Hillary Clinton spoke to the Brookings Institution and told them that “the rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing (major) employment issues…whether it is individual, corporate, whatever the taxation forms are.”  Greece is a case in point. 

The Right would have you believe that Greece’s debt is caused by massive welfare policies.  But, the Center for American Progress analyzed the current economic situation in Greece and concluded that “Greece has consistently spent less” than Europe’s other social democracies — most of which have avoided Greece’s plight. The real problem facing the Greeks is not how to reduce spending but how to increase revenue collections.”  The conclusion is that the core of Greece’s economic problems is that it has relatively “anemic tax collections.”

Hillary Clinton told Brookings that some countries with high taxes and revenues are enjoying healthy economies.  “Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western hemisphere,” Clinton said. “And guess what? It’s growing like crazy. The rich are getting richer, but they are pulling people out of poverty.”

This is an issue that we here at CLN have been preaching about for months.  The Reagan voo-doo economics theory has been bought ‘hook-line-and-sinker’ by many Americans, “lower taxes will lead to a healthy, growing economy, and high taxes (especially on the wealthy) will depress an economy.”  Despite the historic FACTS to the contrary, the Right is just gonna keep-on-keepin’ on — doing that trickle-down voo-doo dance that they love so much.

There are some reasonable Republicans, among them is Greg Mankiw who was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under W.  He has expressed his view that the “across the board tax cuts” (which include the gigantic cuts for the mega wealthy) that is favored by so many on the Right do NOT pay for themselves in increased revenues for the federal budget — as the Right claims.  “I did not find such a claim credible, based on the available evidence. I never have, and I still don’t.”  He has called those on the Right that make those claims “charlatans and cranks.”

The fantasy theory of supply-side economics clearly did not work.  The tax cutting that was championed under Reagan, Bush I, and W. resulted in rises in the ratios of debt to GDP.  Under Reagan and Bush I the ratio of public debt to GDP rose from 33% to 64%.  The ratio fell to 57% under Clinton, and rose again to 69% under Bush II.  W’s tax cuts, wars, and economic crisis are responsible for almost all the economic woes projected for the next ten years.

Our economy is not in trouble because taxes are too high on the wealthy, nor because government safety-nets are in place.  We agree with Clinton and Spitzer, and many other fiscal experts such as David Walker — who was U.S. Comptroller General during the Bush II terms, from 1998 – 2008, and is a former head of the Government Accountability Office (and a fiscal hawk) — said just yesterday, “Bush’s tax cuts for those earning $250,000 and more should be allowed to expire.  That will raise about $400B over 10 years, not counting interest.  From a practical stand point, that’s not going to undercut  economic growth.”  A sentiment expressed over the weekend by Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner.

The historic numbers give us the actual FACTS:  higher marginal tax rates lead to growth because there are more resources available for job creation via public investment.  In the 1950’s, under that Leftie Republican President Dwight David Eisenhower, the Interstate Highway System was built, connecting our country and creating jobs.  It’s been estimated that in the first 40 years, the system was responsible for fully one quarter of American productivity.  Every dollar spent on highway construction has returned $6.  What Socialism!  Public investment in infrastructure such as bridges, high-speed rail, roads, and broadband keep an economy strong.  

Higher marginal tax rates also sustain the economy by creating incentives for capital investment.  In other words, if marginal tax rates are high, businesses will be incented to plow their profits back into the business to take advantage of the tax write-offs for business investment, rather than paying higher taxes on profits.  Thus growing the economy and creating jobs!

Secretary Clinton ended her speech telling the audience that this economic approach of higher taxes producing higher revenue, “used to work for us until we abandoned it.”  Clinton told the assembled, “I’m not speaking for the (Obama) administration.” We sure wish that was not the case, because it’s way past time to have this discussion with the American people who have been bamboozled by the trickle-down fantasy for the past 30 years.

It’s time to put a wooden stake through the heart of this dangerous voo-doo practice that refuses to die.


Congressman Paul Ryan, GOP budget guru, has recently presented his proposed budget for the nation.  While both holding Ryan up as a fresh young thinker for the Republican Party, AND at the same time distancing themselves from his actual budget plan, the Washington GOP is totally schizophrenic about what the hell they plan to DO when/if they take control of Washington. 

‘Hey, America, here’s our brilliant new right-wing face, whose ideas we do NOT stand behind.’  Okay?!?

And there are reasons they won’t stand behind Ryan’s budget plan.  It doesn’t add up to begin with, and his whole approach is to privatize and drastically slash Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, while maintaining massive tax-cuts to the wealthiest among us.  Unpopular ideas, and not effective either.  

Even that Leftie Alan Greenspan has recently said that for the deficit’s sake, we need to let the Bush tax-cuts expire.  Alan Greenspan.

The Congressional Budget Office scored Ryan’s plan, and their findings were that by 2050 this plan would eliminate federal deficits.  Well that seems like good news —and it would be if it were true.

The CBO draws its conclusions based on the revenue projections that are provided to them.  They don’t analyze the effects of tax policy on revenue and what those impacts would actually be; they just take the numbers that are provided to them — Paul Ryan’s numbers in this case — and those numbers are not based in reality.  

This plan (by the Congressman who would be in charge of the House Committee on the Budget IF the Republicans win back the House) was analyzed by a non-partisan think tank, The Tax Policy Center, and their  conclusion is that Ryan’s “Roadmap” would result in massive deficits.  The Ryan tax proposals (which by the way are GOP ideas, despite Boehner’s disclaimers) that call for massive tax-cuts for the wealthy, paired with large tax-increases on 90 % of Americans, would result in enormous revenue losses and deficits.

The Center says that Ryan’s plan would result in a growing federal debt for decades to come, in spite of the drastic cuts in Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, and large tax increases on the lower 90% of income earners.  In other words, the tax-cuts for the top 10% would dwarf the combination of tax increases on the vast majority of Americans and the slashing of our social safety net.  

The administration’s budget, on the other hand, would increase federal income, as a share of GDP, up from 14.5% in 2010 to 19.6% in 2020.  The deficits would not be totally eliminated, but would be at a reasonable and manageable level.

It all began with Ronald Reagan, who implemented Trickle Down Economics in 1980, taking the federal debt from $908 billion to $2.6 trillion, in just eight short years, as a result of his many tax-cuts.  That’s a jump of 186% in national debt!  The GOP premise that tax-cuts for the wealthy lead to robust economic growth has been disproven time and time again — as we’ve documented often in our previous posts (see posts below). 

The GOP rants that “deficits are the most serious threat to our nation” and Reagan is their role model?  Our national debt cannot stand more Republican rule — it’s time to get real, and get pragmatic.

So, the current rising star of the GOP proposes a budget plan that would result in massive deficits and place hardships on the elderly, middle class and the poor in order to reward — once again — the wealthy.  The history of Bill Clinton’s tax-increases on the wealthy, and the resulting booming economy, followed by W.’s massive tax-cuts which led to a disastrous economy, have been well documented in this blog and elsewhere. 

And yet, and yet — the GOP just can’t give up their blind faith in Voo-Doo Economics!