It’s all R I G G E D !!!

I've been thinking about the vast conspiracy that would have to exist in secret for Trump's legal problems to be caused by a "political witch hunt" led by Joe Biden and the Democrats.The four criminal cases ALL had evidence presented to Grand Juries. All these jurors in D.C., NY, and Georgia concluded that Donald J. Trump committed felonies, at a minimum. Some of us think he committed treason. Ho ...

Bibi’s Betrayal of Israel

Dear Israeli citizens,Look what Bibi Netanyahu has done to lose the next generation of America's leaders. His rash actions have caused a backlash among college students that will be difficult to recover from. America's support for Israel is deeply threatened in the short and long term.Please recognize that for every Hamas terrorist that he kills, he has created thousands of recruits for terrorism ...

No one in these campus tent camps is chanting, “Jews will not replace us,” as Trump supporters have done.

Among the campus protesters, I am seeing Jewish students and Jewish campus organizations among the tent dwellers for Palestinians, and that makes me question the anti-Semitism fears. While there may be anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim remarks made at these protests, many have been attributed to others around the student protesters and not among the students themselves.If young students, Muslim, Jewis ...

The Many words of Donald J. Trump!

DJT speaks gibberish most of the time. The rest of the time, he's just outright lying. I'm not yet willing to admit to myself that the American people and voters actually believe the things he says... I'm pretty sure that they just don't care that he's unfit to be president. Trump was right when he promised MAGA, "I am your retribution." That's what his voters want — to stick it in the eye of a ...

Enemies of the US are aligning!

It seems that the countries of the world are realigning. Russia and China have joined forces, and Iran is joining them, as is India to some extent. Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates are also part of this group, and today, I read that Turkey is joining them as well.This group is committing to international trade agreements and alliances. It appears they are formin ...

Supremes Are Off The Rails!

In the 2024 election, Democrats must run on Supreme Court issues. Pull the threads of the current concerns of the American people, and many lead back to the recent decisions made by this unbalanced Conservative Supreme Court. From civil rights, voting rights, gun rights, LGBTQ rights, and personal individual rights to the authority of the federal government to enact changes to benefit the lives ...

It’s All Up for Grabs!

A M E R I C A! Future historians will tell the story of what happened to America but in the present... it's all still unfolding in a blur of confusion. Once the world's leader, our nation is now being dismissed and doubted across the world. While President Biden leads the charge to save the soul of America and to secure the democratic values established globally after World War II, the reputat ...


The MAGA crowd is acting just like the foreign terrorists! Pickup parade of trucks full of flag-waving Donald Trump supporters.   Islamist terrorists in trucks flying their flags.   Not entirely sure that we have a functioning country at this point. It feels more like Afghanistan, where rural warlords exercise their power with defiance toward the central government. And he ...

Dem Unity Imperative!

We really need to hang together for the next two elections. We can now see the scope of the damage done to our nation, from the rampant voter suppression, the conservative-stacked judiciary to the violence aimed toward our very government by the right-wing terrorists. We need to STOP our circular-firing-squad if we're going to save the country.  Our continued nit-picking of our own Party ca ...

The State of the State is …Tenuous!

  Who ARE we as a people? I haven't written in my blog for three years and six days. It's been a long three years for our nation, and right now our country seems to be just holding its breath. Maybe the world is too. So America's back. Maybe. We hope. But with all our failings now exposed and revealed, we have a new reality. The arrogant American, believing that we're #1 ...